Not Convinced about Using the Virtues?
Really? Often it's for one of these (incorrect) reasons:
"I have heard of these things and am not interested."
Some people don't try the virtues because they don't understand them. The words are so familiar---compassion, justice, hope, etc.---people think they know what they mean. But they don't. This site clears up some common misunderstandings, and Virtues Work does an even better job. And once you know what the virtues truly are, you'll see that there is really no valid reason not to use them. "At work? Not where I work!"
Every workplace values at least some of the virtues. Which does your workplace respect? Courage? Prudence? Then use those. You can't get all the benefits of the virtues if you use them only at home or with friends and not at work. You benefit and are an inspiration when you use the virtues--even at work. |
"They won't change anything."
The positive impact of the virtues on people has been noticed for millennia. Plato, Aristotle and other geniuses wrote about the virtues and the wonderful lives they create. Do you really want to bet that they were wrong? Your happiness and fulfillment are at stake. |
"The virtues will make me too 'nice' for the real world."
Not so. You must engage your reason and will in order to use the virtues. Using the virtues sharpens your intellect and strengthens your character, making you more capable of handling life. Therefore, you will know when you should be nice and when a different approach is best. |
"I'm going to be the only one using virtues, so I'll stick out."
You won't be alone. Other people are making the choice to bring what's truly good into their lives. And they are doing so at work: hundreds of corporations and organizations give workers a place for counseling, study or even prayer so they can develop the good in themselves. |