What Are the Virtues?
The virtues are habits that develop the good within you.
Simple enough, but their effects are profound:
They fulfill your potential as a person.
Because they take two of God's greatest gifts to you---your reason and your will---
and use them in a generous, non-self-centered way.
The result is a you that soars, stands out and is sought out.
Because they take two of God's greatest gifts to you---your reason and your will---
and use them in a generous, non-self-centered way.
The result is a you that soars, stands out and is sought out.
There are several vital, over-arching virtues.
As detailed in the book
Virtues Work Soar at Work. Soar at Life. Here's How. the seven most important virtues-- the ones that produce admiration and allow you to flourish in life and at work are: |
* Compassion, which leads to kindness.
* Justice, which leads to fairness. * Prudence, which leads to wisdom. * Courage, which leads to bravery. * Self-Control, which leads to maturity. * Humility, which leads to honesty with yourself. * Hope, which leads to a positive approach and motivation. |